Developed with Accessibility in Mind

The Drupal community is highly dedicated to ensuring both the admin and the user experience are accessible. ZenSource provides an added layer, testing each model to the most up-to-date standards. The current standard is Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA.

ZenSource developers also receive periodic accessibility training to ensure they are up to date on current best practices.


Built-In Automated Accessibility Testing

The ZenSource admin comes equipped with its own accessibility scanning engine. Built on top of the industry-leading Axe engine, this tool automatically scans your site for updates to code and content before reporting back on any accessibility errors—keeping accessibility top-of-mind for content authors. The reporting tools sit right next to your pages in the admin, making it easy to test, report and remediate.

Try ZenSource for Yourself

Skip the slick sales presentations: Let our team take you through the ZenSource experience with a demo catered to your needs. Whether you're upgrading Drupal, need better support or a new place to host your web apps, we can help.